Prep Checklist

1. Best ways to Create your Event.
2. How to work with Sponsors.
3. What to Do the Week Before Event?
4. What to Do the Day Before Event?
5. What to Do the Day Of Event?

First Section: Event Creation – Sneak Peak

These should be completed at least 12-8 weeks prior to the event.

1) Event Name 2) Event Dates 3) Divisions: ie. Rx, Scaled, Masters, Teams… 4) Are t-shirts or other souvenirs being provided? 5) Registration Fees 6) Social Media: Hastags, Facebook Pages, Groups, Events 7) Are you increasing costs as you get closer to the event?


What does this site have to offer that you can utilize for your WOD’s (hills, water, trails, open fields, indoor spaces, pool, outdoor structures for climbing or attaching structures to, etc.?

Facility Considerations:

1) Do they allow site modification? 2) Do you need to bring in porta potties or running water? 3) Is there electricity available on the site (for PA system, laptops, etc) 4) Is there Wi/Fi available? 5) Accessibility: How far is it from accommodations (think of 2 Day events too) 6) Venue Cost?


1) Signs & Sponsor Banners a) Sponsors (see below) 2) Equipment a) Clean and do maintenance leading up to event. Don’t use broken equipment b) Put order list together 60 days out (if applicable) c) Order equipment if applicable d) Have extras: collars, plates, etc 3) Scorecards – (Downloadable Scorecard template when you purchase the pdf) 4) Sponsor/Vendor area 5) Spectator area 6) Athlete Village 7) Parking: Talk to and write a letter to neighbors

Volunteers (or hired):

Coordinate 90-60 days out: 1) DJ 2) Emcee 3) Photographer 4) Head Event Manager 5) Head Judge 6) Score Entering & Tracking 7) Facility Manager: check bathrooms, garbages, and facility


Submit to local rental company at least 30 days prior: Porta Potties (1 per every 20-30 athletes) Tables/Chairs Cones/Parking Signs Trash Cans (extra bags and liners) Bleachers Barricades

To Buy:

Coordinate for these the week prior to your event to save time: Toilet Paper Paper Towel Cleaning products for tears and blood Stop watches Clickers Extra Batteries Fill First Aide Kit with extra supplies Athletic Tape




Holiday Parties